
Pictures from ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowedge July 2016. Left: with a favorite sign, Right: with ThetaHealing® founder Vianna Stibal recieving my ThetaHealing® Master Certification
If you haven't found the seminars you want in a convenient time/place please contact me about hosting seminars in your area. You may decide to take a class based on the topic, but each class is so much more than that. All ThetaHealing® courses are opportunities to clear away beliefs and other blocks that have held you back in some way.
Basic DNA: October 28-30 2016 3 Days
Advanced DNA: November 4-6 2016 3 Days
Animal Seminar: December 3-4 2016 2 Days, This seminar includes the oppurtunity to connect with many species of animals during a visit to either the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro, NC, The Sciquarium in Greensboro, NC or The Conservator Center in Burlington, NC, a wild animal rescue center where I volunteer.
Dig Deeper: October 8-9 3 Days
Game Of Life: October 14-16 3 Days
Intuitive Anatomy: Winter/Spring 2017 3 Days
Manifesting and Abundance: Fall 2016 2 Days
Plant Seminar: Fall/Winter 2016 1 Day
Rainbow Children:  3 Days
Rhythm To A Perfect Weight: November 12 ~This is the extended Full Day Seminar, not the minimum requirement of 1/2 day that is usually offered
Soul Mate Day: October 1 1 Day, Non-Practitioners Welcome!
Soul Mate Practitioner Seminar Fall/Winter 2016 2 Days
World Relations Seminar Winter 2016/2017 5 Days
Animal Communication Lecture and Q&A
(2-3 Hrs) This class is NOT a ThetaHealing® seminar. I explain and answer questions about a simple animal communication technique I learned from the cats in my life. Anyone can practice and use this technique to communicate with animals. I also explain how and why it works as well as simple techniques anyone can use to improve their intuition. Tuition: $39
As a gesture of Gratitude, each student will receive 75 points for each seminar paid in full. These points may be redeemed as minutes in a ThetaHealing® Session or a credit towards any of my future ThetaHealing®
Seminars. Please read terms and conditions for more information. Click here for scholarship application and here for teaching assistant application.
  “®/TM: Trademarks of Nature Path, Inc.”