Animal Seminar: Summer 2016
(2 Days) This is the full 2-day seminar which includes the Crystal Viewing technique and the oppurtunity to connect with many species of animals during a visit to either the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro, NC, The Sciquarium in Greensboro, NC or The Conservator Center in Burlington, NC, a wild animal rescue center where I volunteer. Learn how to use the ThetaHealing® technique to do intuitive scans, belief work and healing work with animals in person and at a distance. Learn about the languages animals use and how to communicate with animals. Learn about the Crystal Viewing technique, a process for selecting a positive ancestral DNA trait and strengthening it for your benefit now.
From Vianna's website: This is the definitive seminar on healing animals. The most dominant animal throughout the world is the human species, but are we so different from other animals? What is in your DNA that is working for you instinctually?
Go on a journey with Vianna and explore animal instincts that are within the human body. Learn how to heal our brothers and sisters from the animal kingdom and get a deeper understanding of the inner world inside the divine human body.
Seminar Includes: Animal Seminar Manual, and Admission fees to site where animals are located (also transportation to location of animals if needed).
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA
Tuition: $495
Reserve your space for the seminar with the deposit or paid in full options. If deposit is selected, the remainder is due before start time of the seminar. The deposit portion of seminar tuition goes towards reserving the class location and is non-refundable.
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  “®/TM: Trademarks of Nature Path, Inc.”