Basic DNA: May 2016 (3 Days) Class Location: Classes will be held at Yoga and Massage Center, 515 College Rd Suite 3, Greensboro, NC This class teaches the basics of ThetaHealing® and so really so much more than that. From Vianna's website:
Basic DNA introduces ThetaHealing® techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant. Students experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator.
The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. ThetaHealing we believe you inherit beliefs and emotions from your ancestors. This level we call the genetic level
The student will learn to identify his/her own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the seminar. This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.
Recent articles have proven genetic beliefs can be passed down.
Other topics and exercises include:
-Learn why we create things in our life and what we learn from it
-Learn discernment when working with guides and guardian angels
-Introduction to manifestating in your life
-Future readings,
-balancing your moods
-soul mates, waywards and implants
-Seven Planes of Existence
-How to communicate with and heal Animals
-The Power of Connecting to the Creator of All the Is
By the end of the seminar, the student is prepared to become a practitioner of ThetaHealing® as a ThetaHealer®.
Seminar Includes: ThetaHealing® Book and ThetaHealing® Manual
Prerequisites: None
Tuition: $444 Earlybird Registration $494 Regular Registration
Reserve your space for the seminar with the deposit or paid in full options. If deposit is selected, the remainder is due before start time of the seminar. The deposit portion of seminar tuition goes towards reserving the class location and is non-refundable.
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Click here for scholarship application and here for teaching assistant application.
  “®/TM: Trademarks of Nature Path, Inc.”